100 Years?
A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in Pensacola, Florida for an epic night of worship featuring the music of my friend and mentor, Will Pufall. Will was an incredible man, Worship Pastor, and Song Writer who unfortunately passed away about 14 years ago. But his legacy lives on through his music, which you can find here.
As I caught up with an old friend over dinner from a food truck before the event, he asked me, "So, how long do you think you'll live where you are now?" Without thinking, I blurted out, "At least the next 100 years!" My friend was surprised by my response, but it made perfect sense to me. I love where I live, and I feel called to be here.
Will I be here for 100 years? I honestly have no clue. But having a 100-year vision gives me purpose and direction. There's power and freedom in committing to something for the long haul. As the saying goes, we often overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in 10 years.
It reminds me of the employee who dreams of a management position but fails to excel in their current role. They'll never reach their potential if they don't take care of what's in front of them first.
Speaking of taking care of things, have you read "The Power of Place"? It's a fantastic book that delves deeper into the idea of commitment and how the places we live and work affect our lives. I highly recommend it!
So, what's your plan for the next 100 years?